Commitment to Safety
CPS is committed to ensuring a safe and pleasant experience for all Yellow Bus and Metro riders and will continue to work with community partners to support this goal.
Student Expectations
Arrive at bus stops at least five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
Wait in locations clear of traffic at the designated bus stop.
Behavior at bus stops must not threaten life, limb, or property.
Go directly to available or assigned seats and remain seated, keeping aisles and exits clear.
Observe classroom conduct and obey drivers promptly and respectfully.
Use only respectful language.
Enjoy food and drinks before or after your bus ride, except for medical reasons.
Keep the bus smoke and tobacco free.
Carry only required prescription medication with you.
Keep objects safely inside the bus.
Carry only items that can comfortably fit in your lap.
Board and leave the bus at your assigned locations, unless given permission otherwise.
Keep heads, arms and legs inside the bus at all times.
Listen to music with headphones while on the bus.
Metro bus passes are assigned to a specific student – avoid sharing your pass, or allowing anyone else to use your pass.
Use of CPS-Provided Metro Bus Passes
Students should only use their Metro bus passes for transport between their home residence and school for morning arrival, afternoon dismissal and extracurricular activities. Metro has updated and added routes to improve service, reducing the number of students needing to transfer at the depot near Government Square. Only students needing to transfer at this depot should come to this area.
Parental/Caregiver Responsibilities
We ask parents and caregivers to review their child's bus activity and discuss expectations. Misuse or bad behavior may result in the student's bus pass being revoked and disciplinary action per your school’s or CPS’ Code of Conduct. CPS will continue to work with the City of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Police Department, Metro and community leaders to ensure safety measures are in place.
Monitoring and Enforcement
All buses are equipped with video camera equipment to monitor student behavior. The Pupil Transportation Branch actively supports the Cincinnati Public Schools' Positive School Culture Plan and District Code of Conduct. Misbehavior and/or misuse of the bus pass can result in suspension of the student or the transportation services to the student.
CPS Access Pupil Transportation Office. 2651 Burnet Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45219 513-363-RIDE [7433].