Magnet Programs Transportation
Yellow bus transportation to and from school is provided for eligible K-6 students attending Cincinnati Public Schools' magnet elementary programs.
Bus transportation is not provided for preschool students.
Magnet elementary programs draw students from two assigned areas — East and West — or the magnet program is designated as citywide serving the entire district.
Citywide Magnet Schools
A student enrolled in a citywide magnet program is eligible for bus transportation if the student lives more than 1 mile from the school.
Area Magnet Schools
A child's home street address determines the area assignment for magnet programs. Students are eligible for bus transportation if they enroll in a magnet program within their area (East or West) and if they live more than 1 mile from the school.
If a student is enrolled in a magnet school outside the student's assigned area, parents must provide transportation to and from school.
To determine your child's magnet area: Identify your child's neighborhood school assignment by using the Interactive Cropper Map System tool.
Identification of citywide magnet or area magnet schools
- CPS Access Pupil Transportation Office: (513) 363-RIDE (7433).
To speed up the process, CPS has automated the request for Alternative Stop Request and Deviated Childcare Request Form. Please click on the button below to submit electronically.