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Magnet Programs Transportation

Yellow bus transportation to and from school is provided for eligible K-6 students attending Cincinnati Public Schools' magnet elementary programs.

Bus transportation is not provided for preschool students.

Magnet elementary programs draw students from two assigned areas — East and West —  or the magnet program is designated as citywide serving the entire district.

Citywide Magnet Schools

A student enrolled in a citywide magnet program is eligible for bus transportation if the student lives more than 1 mile from the school.

Area Magnet Schools

A child's home street address determines the area assignment for magnet programs. Students are eligible for bus transportation if they enroll in a magnet program within their area (East or West) and if they live more than 1 mile from the school.

If a student is enrolled in a magnet school outside the student's assigned area, parents must provide transportation to and from school.

To determine your child's magnet area: Identify your child's neighborhood school assignment by using the Interactive Cropper Map System tool.

Identification of citywide magnet or area magnet schools

To speed up the process, CPS has automated the request for Alternative Stop Request and Deviated Childcare Request Form. Please click on the button below to submit electronically.

Transportation Inquiry Form