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Naviance is a software tool for career planning that helps students achieve three primary goals:

  1. Get to know themselves. Students inventory their interests, strengths, talents and values.
  2. Explore possibilities. Students research careers, participate in job shadowing and internships, and even take part in service learning.
  3. Take action. Students set goals, create a plan and monitor their progress so they know where they are going and how to get there.

All of this will help students get ready for their future in five areas:

  1. Academic Readiness — Ready to succeed in their first year at a technical college, community college or university.
  2. Admissions Readiness — Ready to meet admissions requirements at a range of post-secondary schools.
  3. Career Readiness — Ready for the future by helping students identify careers that match their personal and financial goals and by understanding the skills, experiences and other requirements to succeed in those careers.
  4. Financial Readiness — Ready to cover the cost of the first term of study after high school through savings, loans and financial aid.
  5. Personal and Social Readiness — Ready to set goals, monitor their progress and create the relationships that support academic success.

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