Student Privacy
Release of Student Information
Federal and Ohio laws prohibit Cincinnati Public Schools from publicly releasing information about students, except for designated Directory Information.
Read more about the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
By law, Cincinnati Public Schools is allowed to limit Directory Information. Per Board Policy No. 8330, CPS considers the following as Directory Information that will be released about students:
- Name
- School
- Grade level
- Parent or guardian's name
- Home address
- Telephone number
- Email address
- Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
- Awards received
A primary purpose of releasing Directory Information is to allow CPS to highlight students' accomplishments in school publications. Under Ohio public records law, CPS is required to release Directory Information to any member of the public who requests it, unless a parent, guardian or adult student requests to be removed from the Directory Information policy.
Release of Student Information to Military Recruiters
Cincinnati Public Schools is required by federal law to release the names, addresses and telephone numbers of secondary students to military recruiters when requested, unless the parent or legal guardian, or students aged 18 and over, specifically object.
Parents May Request Privacy
CPS is required to tell parents each school year that they can prevent the release of Directory Information and prevent information release to military recruiters. To do this, parents, legal guardians, or students aged 18 or older should fill out the Privacy Request form (also available at the student's school); the completed form should be turned in at the student's school.