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Restorative Practices

Cincinnati Public Schools creates a learning environment where students are held accountable for their actions and words and also coached to make improvements in their behavior. Restorative Practices are a specific set of proactive and responsive strategies for strengthening relationships/community and repairing harm when it is caused.

See Code of Conduct, starting page 8

In addition to encouraging improved behavior, Restorative Practices promote:

  • Self-accountability and reflection of misbehavior
  • Conflict resolution among students and between students and adults
  • Building of social-emotional skills for use in future challenging situations
  • Development of better, more effective teacher and student relationships

One of the basic premises of Restorative Practices is that “human beings are happier, more cooperative and productive, and more likely to make positive changes in their behavior when those in positions of authority do things WITH them, rather than to them or for them” (Wachtel, 2005). Restorative Practices are research-based strategies that require training to properly implement and work best when the adults and students are willing to engage in repairing relationships.