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College Credit Plus


College Credit Plus (CCP) is Ohio's dual enrollment program that provides students in grades 7-12 the opportunity to earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking courses from Ohio colleges or universities. The purpose of this program is to enhance students' career readiness and postsecondary success, while providing a wide variety of options for college-ready students, at no or limited costs to students and families. Students will not incur any costs for classes taken in accordance with CCP guidelines for textbooks, tuition or fees at any public college or university in the state of Ohio. Private colleges and universities that choose to participate in CCP may charge an additional fee to students and families directly for tuition.

Academic Year 2025-2026 Updates to Eligibility

The state has released the following guidance regarding eligibility for College Credit Plus. Eligibility does not mean a student is able to enroll in any college or CCP course. There are often additional admission requirements for coursework in English, Math, and Science, for example. Should you fit any of the below descriptions - you can consider if College Credit Plus is a good fit to meet your goals:

  • Option 1: Student is in grades 7-12 and has at least a 3.0 Unweighted GPA
  • Option 2: Student is in grades 7-12 and has a 2.75-2.99 Unweighted GPA & a "B" or better in relevant coursework (i.e. "B" In 2 years of High School English to take English at the college level) 
  • Option 3: Student is in grades 7-12 and has a college-ready test score, which could include one of the following:
      • ACT: English Score of 18, Reading Score of 22, or Math Score of 22 
      • Additional test options: SAT and Accuplacer


  • October - February — Attend information session and meet with your school counselor.
  • February 1 - April 1 — Complete the Letter of Intent
  • April 1 deadline — Turn in your Letter of Intent to Participate Form to your school counselor. Forms will not be accepted after April 1st.
  • January - May 1 — Take test, if needed, to determine eligibility and apply to intended college.
  • Varies based on college — Enroll in your CCP classes and attend college orientation.

Letter of Intent

A completed Letter of Intent must be turned in to your school counselor no later than April 1st of the school year prior to your participation in the summer, fall, or spring of the following academic year (academic year begins with the summer term). This form will be open for submissions February 1st - April 1st each year. Submissions after the April 1st deadline will not be considered.

Application Process

CPS students can apply for College Credit Plus admission at any public institution in the state of Ohio. Below are the CCP admission pages for our leading college partners. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Visit the Ohio Department of Education for more information: FAQs

Or, contact the College Credit Plus Team via Email

Who is the CCP Coordinator at my school? Find out here!

College Credit Plus Information for AY 2025-2026