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College Team

The CPS College Team with their district, community, and state partners, serve as advocates for opportunities and experiences that increase equity in college access and attainment for all CPS students enrolled in grades K-12 and beyond. 

Emily Moroney, CPS College Access Manager

Je'Von Calhoun, CPS College Access Specialist

Lacey Hill, College Credit Plus and College Pathways Specialist 

Anne Allen, Advisory Coach Grades 7-12  

Benefits of College-Based Learning

  • College Readiness An academic, social, emotional, and economic matrix that showcases a student's preparedness for college as an experience. This focus engages K–12 students, families and partners, with guidance from college access and postsecondary partners.  
  • College Access — Providing knowledge and resources/avenues for students in partnership between K–12 and postsecondary partners to remove barriers and assist students navigating multiple interfacing systems. This focus is a joint responsibility between the K–12 and postsecondary partners. 
  • College Success — Supporting a student's journey as they matriculate and persist through college toward graduation and further into career placement. This focus relies on the postsecondary partner leading efforts in guidance from the K–12 partner(s). 

College Preparation Activities and Supports

For actions, supports, and more information on the financial side of college attendance, visit our College Bound Seniors page.

College Activities and Supports

College Credit Plus

College Credit Plus (CCP) is a dual enrollment program that provides students in grades 7–12 the opportunity to earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking courses from Ohio colleges or universities. The purpose of this program is to enhance students' career readiness and postsecondary success, while providing a wide variety of options for college-ready students, at no or limited cost to students and families. Students interested in CCP opportunities can take classes on a college campus, online, or often within their CPS high school building. CPS continues to expand teacher training and college partnerships to offer CCP opportunities in each 7–12 school building. Program qualifications, timelines and course offerings can be found here