Cincinnati Public Schools
At CPS, students from grades 7-12 have a specified time every week to devote to Advisory. Advisory is facilitated by teachers and is structured on 4 goals:
- Social and Emotional Learning — Students are engaged in a variety of self assessments focused on the VIA Character Strengths, Clifton Strengthsfinder, and other career development assessments housed within the Naviance learning platform. Students learn about themselves and how to relate better with each other by reviewing and applying the results of these assessments. These assessments are also used to help students with their post-secondary exploration.
- Building Community — Students participate in team building activities in an effort to connect with their fellow students and teachers as well as their broader school community.
- Post-Secondary Planning — Starting at 7th grade, CPS begins teaching students about the variety of post-secondary pathways that are available to them by utilizing a scaffolded approach that moves students from college and career awareness, to college and career exploration, to college and career readiness, and ending in college and career attainment. In the upper grades, a considerable amount of time is focused on soft skill development as well as life skills.
- Academic Monitoring — Students keep track of their grades and progress toward grade completion and graduation. This reinforces the skills of self advocacy and time management.
Advisory supporting graduation:
Students participating in 9th grade Advisory will now earn their “Leading with Excellence” Lean Sigma Credential applicable for 3 points of the Industry Recognized Credentials Career seal (12 points in total)
Students participating in 11th and 12th grade Advisory will earn their Ohio Means Jobs Readiness Seal.