Child Find
Child Find is the process of locating, identifying and serving students with disabilities in Cincinnati Public Schools. These students are identified as Child Find as outlined below.
- The student is enrolled in a CPS elementary or high school:
- The child is enrolled in home schooling:
- The child is not enrolled in school:
- The child is currently between the ages of 3 and 5:
- Procedures for Nonpublic Schools and Home Schooled Students:
The student is enrolled in a CPS elementary or high school:
The child is enrolled in home schooling:
The child is not enrolled in school:
The child is currently between the ages of 3 and 5:
Procedures for Nonpublic Schools and Home Schooled Students:
Referral Packets
Contact the Department of Student Services:
Phone: Student Services - 513-363-0357
Completed referrals can be:
Emailed to:
Faxed to: Maria Link at (513) 363-0108
Mailed to: Maria Link, Cincinnati Public Schools, Department of Student Services, P.O. Box 5381, Cincinnati, Ohio 45219.
As part of the referral packet, CPS requests the reason for referral, any documentation of academic interventions, work samples, current report cards and progress reports, standardized test scores and any past testing information.
If a disability is suspected, an evaluation will be completed to determine the student’s eligibility for special education services. A meeting will be held with the parent and the school team to begin the evaluation process. The evaluation will be completed within 60 calendar days from the date of signed parent consent for the evaluation. Once the evaluation is completed, the team will reconvene to determine the student’s eligibility for special education services.
If a disability is not suspected, the Child Find Team will send formal written notification regarding their decision.