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Fine Arts

In today's multimedia society, the arts provide both an essential and engaging form of communication. Participation in one or more artistic disciplines as creators and performers enables our students to discover and develop their creative capacity.

CPS Fine Arts courses emphasize four important artistic processes outlined in the National Core Arts Standards and the Ohio Department of Education Fine Arts Standards: Creating, Performing, Responding, and Connecting. Students carry out these processes by asking essential questions and by demonstrating enduring understandings that enable them to synthesize knowledge, articulate content value and make specific connections to both academic and artistic disciplines.

CPS Fine Arts courses also embrace the mastering of 21st century skills that have been identified as being vital to each student’s success in college and careers. These skills include: Accountability and Productivity, Adaptability and Flexibility, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Information Technology Literacy, Initiative and Self Direction, Innovation, Interdisciplinary Themes, Leadership and Responsibility, Media literacy and Social and Cross-Cultural Skills.

Through a dynamic and engaging combination of group collaboration and individual exploration, CPS Fine Arts courses prepare students to be the creative problem solvers of tomorrow.

Contact Us

Dr. Isidore Rudnick
Fine Arts Curriculum Manager

Dr. John Jung
Fine Arts Instructional Coach