Services Provided By CPS
Services available to help English Language Learners in Cincinnati Public Schools and community include:
- Food Services (breakfast & lunch)
- Transportation (buses)
- Health and Wellness (medical)
- Back to School Packet (with required health forms)
- Required Shots (Immunizations)
Food Services Available at CPS Schools
All Cincinnati Public Schools have a cafeteria. Breakfast and lunch are FREE for all Cincinnati Public School students (except for students attending Hyde Park, Kilgour and Walnut Hills High School). Students may bring a lunch from home or buy lunch at school to eat in the school cafeteria.
How Students Get To and From School Safely Each Day
- Students who live close to school may walk
- Parents may drive students to school
- Students who live a minimum of a mile from school may ride a school bus or take public transportation. School buses are free.
Students Riding a School Bus
If your child rides a school bus, you must know:
- The school bus number
- The time and place your student gets on the bus
- The time and place your student gets off the bus
*Students with special needs who are assigned by the Department of Student Services to schools other than their neighborhood schools shall be considered within the assigned schools’ transportation service areas.
More information on Transportation