Educational Plans for Success
Children identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP) are limited in the listening, speaking, reading or writing skills in English that would allow them to successfully participate in academic classes. The EL staff develops an educational plan for these children which helps teachers customize the child’s instructional program to meet their needs and afford the best possible opportunity for success.
View and download the LEP Parents Guides:
Purpose of the LEP Plan
The purpose of the LEP Plan is to make sure language barriers don't impede learning. An LEP Plan is created so that teachers understand the child's current level of English proficiency and instructional accommodations that will support learning.
Developing the LEP Plan
The LEP Plan is developed using the results of the child's English proficiency screening, so the instruction will be based on his or her level of English proficiency in:
- Listening
- Reading
- Writing
- Speaking
LEP Plan Information
The LEP Plan will be shared with parents/guardians and the child's classroom teacher(s) to understand what additional help is needed.
Some examples of accommodations in the plan include:
- Use materials with picture
- Encourage group work and/or pair the child with an English-speaking student
- Give more time to complete assignments
- Allow and encourage the use of a dictionary
- Seat the child where he/she is able to hear
- Share models of work assignments
Parents/ Guardians may meet with the classroom teacher(s) to talk about the LEP Plan.
After the meeting, both of you will sign the LEP Plan to show you understand what accommodations will be made to best serve your child's academic needs.