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English Language Arts (ELA)

Curriculum alignment image

The High School English Language Arts Department has an intense focus on growing students forward regardless of race, socio-economic, background, etc. Our goal is to ensure students are given the foundation to be lifelong learners and have choice with their pathway once they leave our system. We believe all students can be successful with the tools that accelerate their learning and growth.

Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning- We are grounded and continue to grow ourselves in Culturally Responsive Teaching and learning practices. This simply means that we are working to create safe and inclusive spaces for ALL students that promote powerful learners.

Curriculum & Instruction- We work to ensure all students have access to high-quality curriculum, resources and instruction. 

  • The K-6 ELA adopted curricula is Wit and Wisdom, which includes Wilson’s FUNdations at K-3 to teach Foundational Skills.
  • The 7-12 ELA adopted curricula is MyPerspectives, which is our core program and textbook. We also utilize ThinkCERA to support writing instruction and literacy.

Targeted Support - Our goal is to support every student at every level with targeted “just in time” supports that will grow them forward academically.

Progress Monitoring- It is crucial that we constantly monitor how students are progressing so that we can make the necessary adjustments to ensure that students are getting what they need to continue to grow.

In the English Language Arts classroom, you will see student-centered learning that engages students in multiple text types, including works of literature, historical texts, art, media, and a variety of nonfiction works, allowing them to make connections to the past, present, and future. We promote increasing the responsibility of the student during the learning process as they set goals and reflect on their learning.

Another goal is that every child learns to read by the end of first grade. Here are some documents outlining ways to support early literacy skills and knowledge:

All board-adopted materials are research-based and aligned to the State of Ohio learning standards for English Language Arts. 

Fundations brand image
myPerspectives brand logo
ThinkCERCA brand logo
Wit and Wisdom brand logo