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Engineering and Science Technologies


In the Engineering programs at Aiken New Tech High School, Hughes STEM High School and Woodward Career Technical High School, students explore STEM careers as they participate in a project-based learning process that is designed to challenge and engage their natural curiosity and imagination. Teams design and test their ideas using modeling, automation, robotics, and mechanical and computer control systems, while exploring energy and the environment. This program is all about applying engineering, science, math and technology to solve complex, open-ended problems in a real-world context. Through project- and problem-based hands-on learning experiences, students use industry-leading technology to solve problems while gaining skills in communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.

Careers available in the Health Science pathways include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Computer Aided Drafting Technician
  • Engineer
  • Engineering Technician
  • Line Operator
  • Maintenance Technician
  • Quality Technician

Salary: $63,000–$122,000

Visit Ohio Means Jobs to learn more about Ohio Average Yearly Pay (*U.S. average)

Industry-recognized Credentials

There are a number of industry-recognized credentials for this career area. Some of these include, but are not limited to, the following:

See a full list of Ohio Department of Education approved credentials for this career area.

For more information, call or email Michael Turner, Career and Technical Education Manager, at (513) 363-0383.