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The Promise Center

2825 Alms Place, Cincinnati, OH 45206 I 513-363-2400


The Promise Center is an alternative to out-of-school suspension and expulsion program that provides additional academic, therapeutic and behavioral instruction. Led by restorative-practice trained staff, the program is designed to ensure that students continue their academic instruction while they are assisted in examining and eliminating the behaviors that resulted in their placement at Promise Center. In addition to meeting academic standards, students are expected to participate in activities that will help them to modify negative behaviors by demonstrating the following:

  • Positive Decision Making
  • Problem Solving
  • Anger Management
  • Positive Peer/Adult Relationships

The Promise Center offers substance abuse and mental health counseling and transition services to help students return to their home schools and become productive, positive members of their school communities.  Promise Center is CPS’ commitment to all students.


The Promise Center is a restorative opportunity to provide additional academic, therapeutic, and behavioral instruction that is not afforded with traditional suspension and expulsion.

  • Partnership with family and school
  • Opportunity to identify strategies to keep students in school
  • Changing the narrative of the school to prison pipeline


  • Provide a restorative alternative to out of school suspension and expulsion
  • Provide academic continuation of services and ability to address learning gaps
  • Provide wrap around services that may include substance abuse, mental health counseling, academic intervention, and transition services
  • Provide targeted behavior and social emotional instruction so that students can have success in life

Belief Statements

  • All students matter.
  • All students can reinvent themselves to endure obstacles and adversity now and in the future.
  • All students have the potential to define and pursue their own success.
  • All students deserve a safe, inviting, caring, structured environment with the appropriate emphasis on behavior and academic achievement.