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Preschool Qualifications

Cincinnati Public Schools' preschool programs give children a strong start as they begin their educational journey.

Age Eligibility

Children must be 3 years old by September 30 to participate in a preschool program. Age eligible children may not begin until after their third birthday. Families who are experiencing special circumstances or children with special needs may be considered for enrollment on or after their third birthday.

Children who are age-eligible for kindergarten are not eligible for preschool.

Types of Preschool Programs

Cincinnati Public Schools offers a variety of preschool program options. Contact the CPS Early Childhood Department for information: (513) 363-0017. Representatives will work with parents to find a program to meet the child's needs.

Magnet Preschool

Preschool classes are offered at most magnet elementary schools. You must apply via the magnet lottery to attend a magnet preschool.

Specialized Education Services

All children enrolled in a CPS preschool program receive a developmental screening upon enrollment in the program. The staff meets with parents to share screening information and individualize instruction as needs are identified.

For some children, intensive interventions or further evaluation may be recommended to determine a disability.

If your child is not enrolled in a CPS preschool program and you suspect your child may have a disability, contact CPS' Student Services Department for information: (513) 363-0290.