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General Information

CPS Preschool Offers Great Start to Lifelong Learning

Cincinnati Public Schools provides quality, comprehensive preschool programs and collaborative services to support young children and families for lifelong learning — CPS has a long history of providing quality preschool programs. All CPS preschools are evaluated by the Ohio Department of Education, the majority of which are rated five stars, the state's highest rating.

Children who participate in a quality preschool acquire skills needed for kindergarten readiness, social-emotional learning and have a variety of enriching experiences. CPS' Early Childhood Education (ECE) program recognizes that all children can learn, mainly through playful interactions with people and materials. The learning environment encourages creative exploration with a balance of child- and adult-initiated, age-appropriate activities. The program also recognizes the home and community as resources for the learning process.

Bus transportation is not provided for preschoolers.

Highlights of CPS' Preschool Programs

Adding Preschool Classrooms

Cincinnati Public Schools continues to expand preschool classrooms to serve our communities.

Getting Your Child into Preschool

Your Child's Preschool Experience


Parent Handbook

Developmental Screening

  • Every child receives a complete developmental screening. Follow-up is provided as needed to meet the child's individual needs. Each program has a support team beyond the teacher, paraprofessional and Family FSA. 

Full- and Half-day

  • Preschool offers full-day and half-day schedules and align with the district's school-year calendar for holidays and breaks.


  • Breakfast, lunch and/or snacks are provided for preschool children. The menus meet standards set by the Ohio Department of Education Nutrition Section.


  • Children in full-day programs are expected to rest daily. 

Wellness Check

  • For the protection of staff and children, a wellness check is conducted daily upon a child's arrival using the Ohio Department of Health's Child Day-Care Communicable Disease Chart, which is posted in classrooms. 
  • Children can come back to class if they have no symptoms of communicable disease for at least 24 hours or with a physician's statement saying the child poses no risk to others.

Family Participation

  • Communication between home and school is a priority. Family involvement is encouraged both at home and at school.

Resources and Links for Families


  • Each program is licensed to operate by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE). This license and the most recent licensing inspection reports are posted in each classroom.

Kindergarten Readiness Assessment

This report summarizes the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Revised (KRA-R), which measures
academic readiness and literacy skills as well as Social Foundations (socio-emotional development),
Mathematics, Physical Well-Being, and Motor Development.

Full Report 2023-2024

Summary of Report 2023-2024

Have concerns about a CPS preschool not addressed to your satisfaction?

Call CPS' Early Childhood Education Department, (513) 363-0240.