CPS Applications
CPS Magnet and High School Application Submission Opens Nov. 1, 2024
Thank you for your interest in the CPS Magnet and High School Applications! Application options (schools) for the 2025-26 school year are currently being finalized.
The application period for CPS Magnet and high school applications will run through Focus from Nov. 1, 2024 - Feb. 14, 2025.
Phase 1:
Please begin your application by registering your child or linking your existing CPS student to your Focus account.
- Current CPS students should not complete a new registration. Please ensure your student is linked to your parent/guardian Focus account with your student's Focus Student ID number.
- New students must complete the online registration. Parents/guardians may complete this process for their student through their parent/guardian Focus account.
Phase 2:
Beginning January 2, 2025, you will be able to select your school choices.
Need help creating a Focus account or linking your student? Please see our quick guides and video instructions here.
If you have any questions, please contact Customer Care at 513-363-0123.
Questions about the Application process?
- Contact the CPS Customer Care Center at 513-363-0123
- Please note the Customer Care Center accepts calls from 8:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. during normal operating days.
Questions about creating a FOCUS account?
- Contact the CPS Family Technology Support Center at 513-363-0688 or FTS@cpsboe.k12.oh.us
- The Family Technology Support Center is open 7 a.m. - 5 p.m during normal operating days.
- CPS New SIS Focus - Lottery Explanation Video
- CPS Nuevo Focus SIS: Video Explicativo de la Lotería
- تركيز CPS الجديد على SIS - فيديو شرح اليانصيب
- CPS New SIS Focus - Vidéo d'explication de la loterie
CPS New SIS Focus - Lottery Explanation Video
CPS Nuevo Focus SIS: Video Explicativo de la Lotería
تركيز CPS الجديد على SIS - فيديو شرح اليانصيب
CPS New SIS Focus - Vidéo d'explication de la loterie
Begin the application process:
1. Create Account
- Parent/Guardian creates a Parent Portal account in FOCUS
2A. Returning CPS Students: Link Student ID to Account
In this step, parents/guardians link their current enrolled child to their FOCUS Parent Portal account using the child's student ID.
2B. New Students to CPS: Register as a New Student
In this step, parents/guardians begin the enrollment process by registering their child into CPS.
- Note: Registering a student into FOCUS does not automatically enroll the student into CPS
3. Complete the Application
- Parent/Guardian fills out the Application
4. Review and Submit Application
- Parent/Guardian Reviews and submits Application