Cincinnati Public Schools
Grades 10, 11 and 12
Applying to upper grades in CPS' high schools — grades 10, 11 and 12 — is not part of the CPS' online high school application.
- Current CPS high school students residing in the district boundary and wanting to transfer to another CPS high school
- Parents or guardians of current in-district CPS students now attending a high school in grades 7-12 who want to change high schools must apply in person at their high school of choice using CPS' paper application form.
- View and download the form: High School Application 2024-2025
- Non-CPS students residing in the district boundary in grades 9, 10 and 11 and wanting to attend a CPS high school
- Parents or guardians of non-CPS in-district students currently in 9th, 10th or 11th grade attending private, charter, parochial or home schools who want their children to enter CPS' high schools and who live within the CPS district must apply in person at their high school of choice using CPS' paper application form.
- View and download the form: High School Application 2024-2025