Cincinnati Public Schools
Required Documentation
Documentation needed to register your child with Cincinnati Public Schools
- Well Child Check / Physical Form — good for 12 months (Preschool only)
- Proof of Income — within the last 30 days (Preschool only) and previous year tax return
- Child's Birth Certificate, passport or certified copy of custody order or decree. — How to obtain copy of child’s birth certificate
- Custody agreement/court order if parents/guardians are separated or divorced (if applicable)
- Court-ordered guardianship papers — if the child lives with someone other than a biological parent
- Immunization record
- Parental proof of identity (valid photo ID or passport)
- IEP (Individual Education Program) and/or 504 documentation (if applicable)
- Previous school records (if applicable)
- Proof of Address/Residency within CPS District. Residency includes the following: being physically present in a household for significant periods of time; where important family activities take place each day including sleeping, eating, working, relaxing and playing; where the parent receives mail or where the parent is registered to vote.
Proving Residency: Proof of residency is required for all newly enrolled students and any student whose address changes.
One item from list below will serve as proof of residency:
- Homeowner/Renter Insurance Statement — dated within the last 12 months
- Property Tax Statement — dated within the last 12 months and addressed to parent/guardian at the residence
- Gas/Electric/Water Statement (not a cable or telephone bill) — dated within the last 30 days
- Mortgage Statement — dated within the previous 60 days and addressed to parent/guardian at the residence
- Federal or State Income Tax Returns — dated within the last 12 months
- Rental Agreement — signed by both landlord and tenant, and including landlord's contact information
- Any piece of mail dated within the last 30 days from the federal, state or local government, such as Hamilton County Job & Family Services, Social Security Office, Child Support Enforcement Agency, etc.
- Construction Contract that includes a sworn statement describing the location of the house to be built and stating the parent’s intention to reside there upon completion
- Parent Residency & Property Owner Affidavits
CPS does not accept any notarized statements as proof of residency.
Have you moved?
Please fill out the Student Change of Information form if: