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Customer Care Center

Our Customer Care Center aims to help our CPS community get answers and accurate information, and resolve problems in a caring, helpful and professional manner. The center handles student registration and enrollment (also handled at the schools), and provides quality assistance for a variety of requests from parents, students and community members. 

2651 Burnet Avenue, 45219 (Corryville) 
Cincinnati Public Schools Education Center (main hallway, first floor)

CPS' Customer Care Center is currently open to the public with walk-in visits and from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Customer Care Center representatives are also available by email or to answer telephone calls (513) 363-0123 — press 1 for assistance with registering your child for school and general questions.

Customer Care Center

The center aligns with Cincinnati Public Schools' goal to be customer-friendly, one of the many tools contributing to improving student achievement. 

Read the Monthly Superintendent Newsletters for all up-to-date district news and information for families.  

The Customer Care Center is available to help with questions in areas such as:

  • Registration and Enrollment
  • Online Student Registration
  • School Attendance Boundaries
  • Special Programs
  • CPS' Magnet Lottery
  • CPS' High School Lottery
  • Open Enrollment
  • Request for Student Records

Parents can register their school-age children online and/or view their child's progress on PowerSchool.

What We Do

A team approach is used when responding to parents' or community members' concerns. 

If an issue involves a teacher or school, please contact the teacher or principal first to try to resolve the matter with the people most directly involved in the case. Most concerns can and should be resolved at the school building level. If an issue cannot be resolved there, we will assist in finding a resolution.

The Customer Care Center can:

  • Provide information or clarification about policies or procedures.
  • Find the right person to handle issues or concerns.
  • Talk to people who can research and investigate an incident.
  • It serves as a "go between" for parties involved.
  • Mediate an impartial resolution.
  • Identify alternatives.

To decide if you should contact CPS' Customer Care Center, ask the following questions:

  • Have I tried to solve this problem at school?
  • Am I unsure where to turn next?

Before contacting the Customer Care Center, be prepared to share the following information with a member of the Customer Care Team:

  • Student's name, age, grade and school
  • Names of teachers, principal or assistant principal, or other school officials who have already been contacted

In written correspondence, please describe the situation and include your name, address and phone number.