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CPS School Board - Mission and Vision

We are a community of students, educators, families, staff, and citizens working together to provide high-quality learning and equitable opportunities that make lifelong learning and true sustainable economic mobility possible for each of our students.

Cincinnati Public Schools will be a system of excellent schools where each and every student is valued, supported, empowered, and prepared to pursue their fullest potential.


  • Families and communities will be full partners and decision-makers
  • Educators and others committed to the goals and willing to meet the challenges of public schools in an urban environment will choose CPS as their career home of service and advancement
  • Our graduates will be highly sought after
    • Highly sought after by universities, employers and military
    • Access direct pathways to fields that offer genuine economic mobility and build generational wealth
  • Our district will be fiscally sound and financially sustainable
  • Our district will be nationally recognized for:
    • Its innovation, cultural inclusivity and responsiveness to the needs of our students, staff,
      and all stakeholders with whom we interact
    • Its operational efficiency and fiscal responsibility
    • Embracing students’ cross-cultural identities in the learning experience
    • Individualized support and success for the whole student – Success for students is not defined
      solely through test results, but is uniquely defined for each student
    • Among these other attributes, its commitment to green sustainability
  • Our District will partner with the region's economic, political, and cultural decision-makers

Equity and Excellence in Education (Board Policy 2255)

Our students, staff, and stakeholders bring their personal backgrounds into our schools and the District is richer for it. Each of them has a legitimate expectation to have a barrier-free learning environment counteracting the contemporary and historical impact of bias, prejudice, and discrimination which, for generations, has produced a predictability of learning outcomes based on race, class, socioeconomics, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, cognitive/physical ability, diverse language fluency, and religion.

Anti-Racism Vision (Board Policy 2256)

The Cincinnati Board of Education (“Board”) and the Cincinnati City School District (“District”) reject all forms of racism as destructive to the District’s mission, vision, values, and goals.  The Board is committed to the following principles:

  • Establishing and sustaining a school community that shares the collective responsibility to confront, eliminate, and prevent actions, decisions, and outcomes that result from and perpetuate racism.
  • Embracing the racial diversity within our District while actively eliminating practices that perpetuate the racial disparities among our students so that all students have the opportunity to benefit equally referenced in the District’s Board Policy 2255 - Equity and Excellence in Education.
  • Acknowledging that racism is often compounded by other forms of discrimination, including, but not limited to, those protective classes referenced in the District’s Board Policy - 2260 Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity.