Cincinnati Public Schools
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes
Board meeting minutes are officially approved at the next Board meeting and are usually available online within the week that the Board meeting occurs.
All documents and presented materials are located on BoardDocs. These documents include: meeting notices, agendas, meeting minutes, presented materials and documents and policies.
To access featured information, meetings and documents, and policies, please click on the following buttons below in BoardDocs:
Navigation for Board Minutes in BoardDocs:
- From the Board Docs landing page, select the meeting minutes you would like to see from the menu on the right-hand side.
- Click the "View the Agenda" button and select from the board meeting minutes on the left-hand side of the page.
- After clicking on your preferred meeting, click on the document icon to view the minutes.
*The records listed below are for retention purposes only. BoardDocs will now be used as a repository for all meetings, schedules and minutes.