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District Report Card

Ohio District and School Report Cards

The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) annually issues report cards for each Ohio school district and each Ohio school. The report cards look back on a school year and provide information on such areas as students’ performance on statewide tests, graduation rates and early literacy rates.

To see current and prior report cards for individual schools within Cincinnati Public Schools, visit the Ohio Department of Education's website:

2022-23 Report Card Highlights

This is the first year for an Overall Ranking since the accountability system changed to a star ranking. The Overall Ranking is weighted by the following components: Achievement 28.601%, Progress 28.601%, Graduation Rate 14.266%, Gap Closing 14.266% and Early Literacy 14.266%. The College, Career, Workforce and Military Readiness component is not included in this year’s report card. ODE indicates this component will be a part of the overall rating in 2025.

CPS Report Card and district data can be located here:

Overall - 2 Stars

  • District earned 2 stars with 1.607 points, .018 points from reaching a 2.5 star rating
  • 63% - 27 of 43 elementary schools earned 3, 4 or 5 stars
  • 33% - 6 of 18 high schools earned 3, 4 or 5 stars
  • Schools to Celebrate
    • 5 Star: Spencer Center, Rising Stars@Carthage, Walnut Hills
    • 4 - 4.5 Stars: Covedale, Fairview Clifton, Hyde Park, John P. Parker, Kilgour, Sands Montessori, SCPA
    • 3 - 3.5 Stars: AMIS, Carson, Chase School, CANS, Cheviot, College Hill, Dater Montessori ES, Douglass, Ethel M. Taylor, Evanston, Hays-Porter, Gamble Montessori ES, LEAP, Mt. Washington School, Parker Woods Montessori, Rees E. Price, Rockdale, Roll Hill, Silverton, South Avondale, Winton Hills Academy, Clark Montessori, Hughes, Oyler
  • Trends:
    • School Year 17/18: 39.3%, 22 of 56 schools earned an A, B, C grade
    • School Year 18/19: 45.6%, 26 of 57 schools earned an A, B, C grade
    • School Year 19/20: Local Report Card (LRC) was not issued
    • School Year 20/21: LRC was issued, district and schools NC/NR (not collected/not rated)
    • School Year 22/23: 54%, 33 of 61 schools earned a 3, 4 or 5 star rating

Achievement - 2 Stars

  • CPS ranks first among the Ohio 8
  • 3% increase - District earned 2 stars 
  • 60% - 12 of 20 tested areas showed growth
  • 14% - 6 of 42 elementary schools earned 3, 4, or 5 stars
  • 17% - 3 of 18 high schools earned 3, 4 or 5 stars, an increase by 1 school
  • 19% - 8 of 42 elementary schools increased by 1 star 
  • 11% - 2 of 18 high schools increased by 1 star
  • Schools to Celebrate  
    • 5 Star: Hyde Park, John P. Parker, Kilgour, Spencer Center, Walnut Hills
    • 4 Star: Fairview Clifton, Sands Montessori

Progress - 2 Stars

  • CPS maintained its rating similar to most other Ohio 8 districts
  • 74% - 31 of 42 elementary schools earned 3, 4 or 5 stars, an increase by 1 school
  • 39% - 7 of 18 high schools earned 3, 4 or 5 stars, an 1 an increase by 2 schools
  • 31% - 13 of 42 elementary schools increased by 1 or more stars
  • 24% - 4 of 17 high schools increased by 1 or more stars
  • 12% - 5 of 42 elementary schools increased by 2 stars 
  • Schools to Celebrate
    • 5 Star: Carson, Covedale, Douglass, LEAP
    • 4 Star: AMIS, John P. Parker, Rees E. Price, Rothenberg, Silverton, South Avondale, Winton Hills, Oyler School, SCPA, Spencer Center, Walnut Hills
    • 3 Star: AWL, Chase School, CANS, College Hill, Ethel M. Taylor, Fairview Clifton, Hartwell, Hays-Porter, Hyde Park School, Gamble Montessori ES, Kilgour, Midway, Mt. Airy, Mt. Washington, Parker Woods Montessori, Roberts, Rockdale, Roll Hill, Sands Montessori, Taft ES, Clark Montessori, Dater HS, Hughes

Gap Closing - 3 Stars

  • District improved to 3 stars - 4.3 percentage point increase 
  • 81% - 35 of 43 elementary schools received 3, 4 or 5 stars, an increase by 4 schools
  • 39% - 7 of 18 high schools received 3, 4 or 5 stars, an increase by 2 schools
  • 14% - 6 of 43 elementary schools increased by 2 or more stars 
  • 11% - 2 of 18 high schools increased by 2 or more stars 
  • 37% - 16 of 43 elementary schools increased by 1 or more stars 
  • 39% - 7 of 18 high schools increased by 1 or more stars 
  • Gifted Value Add increased to 4 stars, from 3 stars
  • CPS experienced the largest increase among the Ohio 8 and ODE Similar Districts by region
  • Schools to Celebrate
    • 5 Star: Chase, Covedale, Douglass, Fairview Clifton, Hays-Porter, Hyde Park, John P. Parker, Kilgour, Rising Stars@Carthage, Rockdale, SCPA, Walnut Hills
    • 4 Star: AMIS, CANS, Cheviot, College Hill, Dater Montessori ES, Ethel M. Taylor, Evanston, Gamble Montessori ES, Parker Woods Montessori, Sands Montessori School, Clark Montessori, Spencer Center
    • 3 Star: Carson, LEAP, Midway, Mt. Airy, Mt. Washington, Pleasant Hill, Pleasant Ridge Montessori, Rees E. Price, Roberts, Roll Hill, Silverton, South Avondale, Taft ES, Winton Hills, Hughes, Lighthouse, Oyler

Early Literacy - 1 Star

  • 23% - 11 of 47 tested schools earned 3, 4 or 5 stars
  • 9% - 4 of 47 tested schools increased by 1 or more stars 
  • 2.3% - Increase in 3rd grade English Language Arts proficiency 
  • CPS ranks first among the Ohio 8
  • Schools to Celebrate
    • 5 Star: Spencer Center
    • 4 Star: CANS, Hyde Park, Kilgour

Graduation Rate - 2 Stars

  • 28% - 5 of 18 high schools earned 3, 4 or 5 stars, an increase by 1 school
  • 2.7% - Increase in four year graduation rate for class of 2022
  • 22% - 4 of 18 high schools increased by 1 or more stars 
  • 2.9% - Increase in five year graduation rate for students with disabilities 
  • CPS is one of two Ohio 8 districts to improve its Weighted Graduation Rate
  • Preliminary data projects CPS graduation rates will be 4 year - 81.5%; 5 year - 84.6% and weighted graduation rate - 82.7%
  • Schools to Celebrate
    • 5 Star: Clark Montessori, SCPA, Spencer Center, Walnut Hills
    • 3 Star: Hughes, Shroder
    • > 85% Weighted: Aiken (89.3%), Gamble Montessori (86%), Oyler (85.7%), Woodward (86.4%)

College, Career, Workforce, and Military Readiness Component:

  • While not part of the overall rating for school year 22-23, CPS improved 6.4-percentage points
  • 8.3% - Industry credentials increased
  • 32% - Seal of Biliteracy recipients increased