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Parent Voice

Parent Leader Celebration 2024

CPS PARENT VOICE is a space designated to amplify the voices of our CPS families. You will also find many volunteer opportunities within our district and at your students' schools.

One of the most important aspects of a child’s success, through their schooling years, is the level of engagement their at-home support system has in their education. When a student has a parent, guardian, or caregiver engaged, the student is more likely to succeed higher in multiple areas when compared to peers with uninvolved families.

Decisions happen every day in our schools for our students and families. The presence of every parent, guardian, and caregiver is critical.

Here are a few examples of where your voice and presence are needed and welcomed.

  • Parent Organizations
  • LSDMC (Local School Decision-Making Committee)
  • Volunteering in schools 

It is a proven fact that informed parents make a difference in their student's academic and social-emotional advancement.

View our "Parent Resources" section below for additional information and supports.

Parent Engagement Events

Follow & Contact

LaRonda Thomas

Follow the District Parent Champion on social media:

Contact District Parent Champion LaRonda Thomas by email.

Parent Resources

Parent News