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LSDMCs (Local School Decision Making Committees)

The Local School Decision Making Committee (LSDMC) is the primary governing body for each school in Cincinnati Public Schools. This important committee gives insight and input into important decisions that impact students' lives and shape their educational experiences.

LSDMC Meeting Schedule

One annual meeting is required to review the purpose of the LSDMC and the school's OnePlan. It is recommended that the LSDMC meets monthly during the school year. All meetings are held at the schools and are open to the public.

Each LSDMC elects officers, including a chairperson and a secretary. It is recommended that Robert's Rules of Order be used to conduct business during the meetings. A quorum of the group's membership is required to be present before decisions are made.

View and download: 2024-2025 LSDMC District-Wide Schedule

Role of Committee

LSDMC functions:

  • Adopting bylaws, including the school's mission and vision
  • Setting measurable school goals, based on a needs assessment
  • Completing a midyear and end-of-year goal progress report
  • Making recommendations and approving the school's budget
  • Participating in the selection of a principal, when a vacancy exists
  • Approving locally initiated changes in the school's program or focus
  • Making recommendations to the principal regarding other school issues
  • Seeking grants to support the school's programs (optional)
  • Coordinating and overseeing the development of the school as a Community Learning Center


CPS Board policy governs LSDMC membership and gives proportional representation to all stakeholder groups.

Membership is comprised of four major constituencies, with a minimum of 12 members. The number of core members may increase but should remain proportional. Members are asked to serve two-year terms.

LSDMC membership groups:

  • Three parents who are not employed by the district selected by the parent group
  • Three community representatives
  • Three licensed members selected by the Cincinnati Federation of Teachers
  • Three non-teaching staff including the principal, with the other two selected by their union representatives
  • Optional members may include 2-3 students and a representative from the school's lead agency, education partner, or business or university liaison  

Training & Support

Training is provided for LSDMC members to help with their duties. In addition, the LSDMC Manual gives information on the committee and how it functions.

Districtwide LSDMC meetings are held quarterly each school year to provide information about recent district initiatives.

Board Policy — LSDMCs


  • Glossary — Guide to Academic and Accountability Terms — 7-page PDF (updated 10/2021)