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Family Engagement

Family Engagement & Student Success

Cincinnati Public Schools believes that family and parent engagement is a leading driver in students' academic success, and we are committed to creating family friendly partnership schools.

Meaningful family engagement leads to good results, including improved grades, higher test scores, lower drop-out rates, increased student confidence and a stronger sense of the value of education.

Board Policy No. 9140 — Parent/Family Engagement

CPS acknowledges that parent and family engagement have a direct impact on students' success. Thus, we ensure that all family engagement strategies are linked to learning and meet CPS' Family Engagement Pillars:  

  • We uplift family voice in CPS decision making.
  • We partner for student success.
  • We empower lifelong advocates.

Stay Connected to Child's Education

There are two ways for parents to stay connected to children's academic progress: Focus, CPS' student information services, and Canvas, learning management system.  Both are helpful tools to track academic performance, allowing parents to see a child's grades, attendance record, classroom assignments and more. It's a great way to be an active partner in your child's education.

Parent Organizations

Parent organizations have proven to be a school's greatest allies in the efforts to ensure that every student graduates fully prepared for life. The level of volunteerism, political advocacy and fundraising cannot be understated. Just as with teachers, our parent organizations are on the front lines of efforts to give students what they need to succeed. 

For More Information - Visit Parent Voice