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Notice of Non-Discrimination

The Cincinnati Public School District provides equal educational, vocational, and employment opportunities for all people without regard to race, gender, ethnicity, color, age, disability, religion, national origin, creed, sexual orientation, or affiliation with a union or professional organization, and provides equal access to the Boys Scouts and other designated youth groups. The district is in compliance with Title VI, Title IX and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act.

For inquiries regarding CPS' non-discrimination policies, contact:

For employee concerns:
Director of Human Resources and Talent
P. O. Box 5381
Cincinnati, OH 45201-5381
(513) 363-0130
TDD# 513-363-0124

For student concerns:
Director of Student Services
Section 504 Student Coordinator
P. O. Box 5381
Cincinnati, OH 45201-5381
(513) 363-0280
TDD# 513-363-0124

Board Policy 2260.02 — Prohibition Against Harassment of Students and Staff Cincinnati Public Schools prohibits harassment of its employees, contractors, visitors and students. It is a violation of this policy for employees, visitors, contractors or students to harass an employee or a student, or to condone such conduct. This policy applies to all claims of harassment, including but not limited to student-to-student, staff-to-student and staff-to-staff conduct.