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Silverton Elementary School launching Math Academy

Silverton Elementary School launching Math Academy

Silverton Elementary School is excited to announce the launch of its new Math Academy, a Tier 2 intervention program designed to provide targeted math support to students in small groups. The initiative aims to offer engaging, hands-on lessons to help students build stronger math skills and boost their confidence in the subject.

“Through hands-on learning and personalized support, the Math Academy ignites a passion for learning, while empowering students to embrace mathematical challenges to achieve their fullest potential,” said Principal Williams 

This year, the program will be piloted with students in grades 2 and 6. The first session, called "Math Academy Match Day," will be an exciting and interactive event where students are paired with small group leaders, who are local community volunteers. These "matches" will create an opportunity for personalized support and foster a fun, collaborative learning environment.

“As the Math Academy grows, our hope is for this School and Community Initiative to become a model program, inspiring educators and students alike to reimagine what is possible in math education,” said Principal Williams.

Math Academy is designed to provide additional support for students who may need more individualized attention to succeed in mathematics. The program encourages active participation, problem-solving, and critical thinking, all while making learning fun and engaging.

Stay tuned for more updates as Silverton continues to innovate and support student success through this exciting new initiative.


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  • Silverton Elementar