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Local Journalists Mentor Oyler Media Arts Students

Local Journalists Mentor Oyler Media Arts Students

Oyler School media arts students got the inside scoop on local media this school year thanks to a year-long collaboration with the Greater Cincinnati Association of Black Journalists (GCABJ).

As part of the program, students met with mentors monthly to discuss topics such as interviewing skills, avoiding bias, reporting objectively and other best practices.

“We love having professionals in our classrooms who look different than the typical person that they might see on TV,” Oyler School Director of Media & Communications Connor Kurek said. “It reminds our students that there are so many people from so many backgrounds that are rocking it in the journalism world.”

Local 12 Anchor Kyle Inskeep led the mentoring partnership, making monthly visits to Oyler.

“We want to see representation continue to grow in journalism,” said Inskeep. “Showing these students that there are news anchors, reporters, producers, videographers that look like them, who come from similar backgrounds, allows them to see and believe that this is attainable.”

Inskeep’s experience interacting with Oyler students reminded him of when he first met professionals in the field as a high school student in his hometown of Indianapolis. He said the students are like sponges, and they make local TV anchors and newspaper reporters feel like celebrities.

Two Students in front of a stage with a camera in front showing their photo

“You see these kids and how excited and passionate they are about the possibility of getting into this field,” Inskeep said. “It reinvigorates me to continue doing what I’m doing professionally and also continue to give back.”

Inskeep said he has learned as much as they have. The students told him what types of stories they’d like to see, how they are watching the news and how they utilize social media to access news. 

The year-long partnership ended with Oyler students touring Local 12’s newsroom and studio to get a behind-the-scenes look at the station.

“They need to know what it’s like beyond these walls,” Kurek said. “Having those real experiences is just as important as what they learn in a normal classroom setting.”

Inskeep says through his monthly visits, he feels like an honorary Oyler alum. “I can truly say I love Oyler. What I feel from the staff and even the students are love and connection to the school. They’ve done a really good job at building community.”

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  • Oyler School